Telling family

This was the best part…so we stopped in Ontario to visit with Jason’s family and we weren’t planning to tell anyone. We kept saying, “well, I’m not that far along yet…what if something happens…” But we couldn’t help but tell them because we really wanted to do it in person. So we bought a couple shirts for me and some fabric paint….one shirt zipped up over the other one. At a casual family BBQ (after much razzing during the week about ‘when are you guys having kids?’) I got up to get more chicken from the BBQ and unzipped my shirt which had been blocking the news.

I sat down but not for long because Cheryl, Jason’s sister beside me, with her keen journalistic sense, had seen part of what it said and starting freaking out! She jumped up and was like “what’s it say?” WHAT DOES IT SAY?? And then everyone else was freaking out…fun moment.
Telling my family was with the same method although people didn’t pick it up quite as fast. My mom was eating away at dinner not paying attention at all for like 10 minutes with my shirt sporting the news. I was about ready to stand up and shout “READ THE SHIRT.”