I was reviewing old journal entries today from early in pregnancy and I find it so amazing. I was so anxious and worried, afraid of how my diagnosis would affect my pregnancy. I fought it for awhile, argued with doctors, and just didn’t want to have to endure 9 months + 6 weeks of daily needle injections. The medication for the injections is expensive, it’s obviously painful, and how would I ever know if I could have a healthy pregnancy without them? Should I gamble and not take the injections since I didn’t believe I even had this condition to begin with? Or should I take these doctors’ opinions as a protection from God- to protect the baby and me from a disastrous outcome?
And here I am. Now all of that is hindsight. It’s in the past. It’s finished.
Praise God the giver and sustainer of life! He created Silas in my womb, He knit him together perfectly, He protected us from health complications and His grace WAS sufficient for me, His power WAS made perfect in my weakness. I made it! I did the injections, I daily had to sit down again, take a deep breath again, say a quick prayer again, and endure a painful self-inflicted jab.
But the cost was not too high.
I see Silas and I think “of course it was worth it.” I think “why did I worry? Why was I afraid?” “of course God would protect us, of course He would be enough.”
I need this to be a lesson for life. To let go and trust God that He ALWAYS has my good in mind because of Christ. I need to remember every time I look at Silas that it was surely God who gave him to me, sustained his life in me- despite health conditions, and brought forth good from bad.
I praise You Father because of your goodness to me.