Update Letter
We recently e-mailed out a 1-page update letter, about how preparations for our trip are going, and about Shannon’s knee surgery. I thought I’d post it online here for any of you would didn’t get the e-mail. So, here it is. If you’d like to get the e-mails, though, please let us know!
“you know who that is don’t you?”
My mom said something very profound the other day- and it helped me re-focus my vision for this missions trip. I was reflecting on the difficulty of my job: caring (as a nurse) for people that are frankly not that easy to care for. There are the patients that don’t do anything for themselves and just ring…
Some Pics from Mahadaga
After talking to Pastor Jim, our pastor at Home Church, about our missions trip to Burkina Faso, he decided to google the town we were going to – Mahadaga. He happened to come across a site from someone who had been on a missions trip to Mahadaga, probably with SIM. He posted a number of…
Missions Checklist
Receive a ridiculous amount of immunizations (check) Get passports updated with current, (but still awkward looking) photos (check) Practice spelling Burkina Faso’s capital city (O-u-g-a-d-o-u-g-o-u) (check) Speak french while alone in the car (check) ………………………. Oh boy, there are a thousand of other things on our checklist that we still haven’t gotten to before…