Author: Shannon

  • We’ve moved!

    So it’s official- we’re really doing this whole “moving to Africa” thing!  We finished packing up our place in Surrey and have put all our stuff in storage.  Currently we are living in abbotsford in my dad’s basement until the 18th when we are flying out!  Our move went really smoothly- cause we had lots…

  • My refuge,my place of safety

    SO I started to get a bit “worried” and anxious about our trip to Africa.  What trials might we encounter?  What diseases might we be infected with?  What if…?  What if….?  But then God did something wonderful the other day.  He reminded me of why I love Him so much.  It’s my favourite thing about…

  • Surgery

    So my first surgery is over!  (And I can’t sleep – hence the 5:40 entry).  It was yesterday at 3 pm which meant a lot of waiting, killing time, and hunger!  I had a major coffee withdrawal headache prior to the surgery!  But the centre was super nice and the staff great….the waiting room had…

  • “you know who that is don’t you?”

    My mom said something very profound the other day- and it helped me re-focus my vision for this missions trip.  I was reflecting on the difficulty of my job: caring (as a nurse) for people that are frankly not that easy to care for.  There are the patients that don’t do anything for themselves and just ring…

  • Missions Checklist

    Receive a ridiculous amount of immunizations    (check) Get passports updated with current, (but still awkward looking) photos   (check) Practice spelling Burkina Faso’s capital city (O-u-g-a-d-o-u-g-o-u)  (check) Speak french while alone in the car  (check) ………………………. Oh boy, there are a thousand of other things on our checklist that we still haven’t gotten to before…

  • The Working World

    So I’ve graduated- how adult-like. Working full time, benefits and all. But is working all it’s cracked up to be? Some days, yes. Some days I love nursing. I love the chaos and the different kinds of people you help and work with. I love the ability to help but then the days, like yesterday…