Life without hubby
This week Jason goes away for 4 days for a work conference. WHAT WILL I DO? Oh boy. Makes me think a lot about single parents. How do they do it? It’s so nice to have someone else around to hold Silas for a bit so I can get things done, or just gi…
Silas at 2months!
So what does a two month old DO? Silas started smiling a number of weeks ago and smiles when I sing to him, or when Jason or I talk to him. I call his change table his ‘happy place’ because almost immediately after I place him there he starts smiling …
I’m smiling a lot today. Something about a starbucks coffee in hand, a bit of freedom, and some beautiful cherry blossom trees….Parenting so far has given me a new appreciation for things, of which I am reflecting on today. Such as:sleep. The sun …
I knew there was a lot to adjust to in new motherhood- however, the WAYS I have had to adjust I never expected. Dealing with insomnia night after night has been sooo frustrating, and I never expected to have issues with it. Since week three I have st…
Injection Free!
I was reviewing old journal entries today from early in pregnancy and I find it so amazing. I was so anxious and worried, afraid of how my diagnosis would affect my pregnancy. I fought it for awhile, argued with doctors, and just didn’t want to have …
First times
Some fun ‘first times’ in the world of Silas Gabriel:My first time wearing a clown nose (he looked so ridiculous with that massive thing on his face!). First time receiving important mail with my very own name on it! (Yes! Now that he has his socia…
6 weeks into motherhood
I should blog more. So much has changed over this past month (obviously) that I don’t even know where to begin. I figure I’ll just start from today. It’s strange how routine my life has become in some ways. Every day I open the blinds, make the bed…
Silas Gabriel Brink’s Birthday
Well, I’m finally sitting down to write down the story of how Silas came into the world. Reader discretion is advised (I’m a nurse you see, and realize that some people want ALL the details).Here goes:So the week before Silas was born I had a lot of br…
37 weeks
Yikes. Any day now I’m going to be ‘officially’ a Mom. Not really sure how to process this information. How do I get ready?? I feel more uncomfortable sitting than ever- with every twist and turn the baby makes I either have to run off to the bathro…
my active little boy, insomnia, and other pregnancy facts
33 weeks already and insomnia has taken over. I woke up last night at 2:30, then 5:30, then was awake for good at about 6:00. Tossing, turning, peeing, ahhh! So frustrating! It doesn’t even really make sense to me because I feel tired but I just ca…